Monday 22 July 2013


"Change, we don't like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying. But here's the truth: the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes change is good. Oh, sometimes change is . . . everything." -Grey's anatomy. 

Boy, I absolutely love this show. And NO, it's not ONLY because of Patrick Demsey. He's just part of the reason- a big part, but a part nonetheless. The reason why this show is a favourite is because of dialogues like the one above. It's such a beautiful one, so profound and so apt. 

So the reason why I chose this particular dialogue is because of the huge change that I'm currently going through. In my previous post I mentioned that I'm leaving for med school next week - well that's the thing! I'm LEAVING NEXT WEEK. I'm completely freaking out!

Now, as a kid I did move around a lot, so I'm not exactly a stranger to change. So logically, you would think that change wouldn't really scare me anymore, but that's untrue. No matter how often your life encounters change, somehow I don't think anyone ever actually gets comfortable with it. 

I'm constantly worrying about stuff like- 
'Will I find good friends?' 
'Will I get along with my roomate?'
'Will I be able to handle the course load?'

I KNOW that this entire exercise is futile. BELIEVE ME- I'm well aware of this fact! That doesn't exactly discourage me from repeatedly torturing myself with thoughts like - ' What if I hate everything?' ; Clearly, the worst of the all the doubts that plague me.

What's even more surprising is that I've changed schools often enough and I know things always work out. Everyone learns to adjust and adapt in time. These changes have also helped shape the direction of my life! So I'm just going to have to hope that this one works out too :P

Let's see how it goes when I get there *fingers crossed*

Wednesday 17 July 2013

New beginnings!


I'm so excited.

So, I just got word that I got accepted to an amazing medical school here in India. WOHOOOO!
This maybe the one and only time I actually get to celebrate this news. Next month I'm probably going to go back to hating myself for choosing such a tough course. 
But hey, jokes aside- I'm really excited ( you probably got that). It's been a dream for the last two years and it feels REALLY good to have gotten through. Honestly, I didn't expect it. AT ALL.

So, my term starts in August and yes, I am going to blog about life in Med school intermixed with reviews of my favourite books.
For those of you going-" huh? The Blog title and the Content simply do NOT match"!   
To which I say- " Well, teenagers are known to be flighty and moody! What can I say? Just living up to the hype" :P

Anyway, enough of that.

So I just finished with another Kristen Ashley book. I think I have gone through all the contemporary romance ones. What can I say? She's simply *AMAZING*.

The series I just got done with is called the ROCK CHICK SERIES. Its basically set in Denver and chronicles the lives of a bunch of girls who call themselves the rock chicks. As the books go on, more and more girls are added to the fold and believe me when I say- you will love ALL of them. The Rock chicks are gutsy, Independent and can totally hold their own against the macho Badass guys that this series is famous for. AND THE GUYS. OH THE GUYS. They're hot, macho and badass with an amazing heart. WHAT more do you need? 

I'm the sort of reader who reads EVERYTHING. Yeah, not too fussy on that front. But these books totally blew my mind. They're absolutely hilarious and brilliant romance novels. A winning combination in my opinion. The story is usually set over a period of a few weeks where the macho badass hot dude ( to be referred to henceforth as MBHD) saves the rock chick from some sort of trouble while deciding that he likes what he sees and wants something permanent with them. The rock chicks DO NOT make it easy on the MBHD's_- And that is the best part!!!! The crazy gang at Fortnums add to the hilarity and make it a completely enjoyable read. 
Don't miss it. I swear to god, you'll regret it :) 
The reading order is available on good reads.
Don't miss it. Trust me on this. Seriously. 

Well, that's it for now :) 
Happy blogging people:) 

Monday 10 June 2013

First post :D

Okay, I have no idea how to go about introducing my blog. But let's give it a shot. So here goes,

The name of my  blog is ObsessedWithEverythingBooks, but I'm not strictly going to stick to JUST BOOKS. This is for a variety of reasons.The first and the most pressing is, I'm a hopeful-future medical student and once school starts I may just end up using the blog to vent my many frustrations about med school and my so called non-existent social life. Who knows? Its all up in the air right now.
I wanted to use this name, because for as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with books. Hence, its just a reflection of me, as a person.

Secondly, it sounded cool. Atleast it does to me! Its just a way for me to talk about my life and express myself. Besides, I have nothing better to do right now while I wait for my college admissions to get finalised.

Thirdly, I don't want to be just another book blogger out there. In my personal opinion, the personality of the Blogger is extremely important. I don't know about the rest of them, but I tend to review and read books that only I like. So Basically, the reader/follower and the blogger's taste should match. This blog should give you a general idea of me as an individual. And of course, what I like to read!

That's it for now.
Happy Blogging :)